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Selecting the right gutter

On face value, guttering installation is a piece of cake, but it is amazing how many installers get it wrong. In fact nearly a quarter of the owners of new build homes reported guttering problems that subsequently had to be rectified.

Installers need to give some careful consideration to a number of factors if they are to avoid those dreaded call backs. That means thinking about not just the profile and colour, but more importantly if the system is not to fail, size.

Fitting a profile that's too small could cause you problems with call-backs when it fails to cope with the water flowing off a large roof. If you are working on a larger project - a school, sports hall, apartment block or even a larger house - then using an ordinary domestic system means that you will need to fit more downpipes and that not only costs more but also may not fit in with your customer's aesthetic requirements.

Find out here what system is best for your project.

If you need further assistance then please contact our Technical Services department on 0330 111 4233 or email info@hunterplastics.co.uk.



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