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Corporate Responsibility

Health and Safety

Hunter Plastics Limited recognises, understands and is wholly committed to ensuring that it fulfils its legal and ethical duties as regards the Health, Safety and Welfare provision that it has in place across its manufacturing sites, in respect of its employees, its contractors, its visitors and its neighbours.

Hunter recognises that every accident, near miss, dangerous occurrence or disease is a matter for concern, investigation, and an opportunity through the introduction of corrective measures, to prevent a re-occurrence.

Furthermore, Hunter Plastics Limited is aware of its over-riding duty towards its customer, and will endeavour, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that all of its products are safe to use and without risk to health.

Material Safety Data Sheets are available for the chemical products that it supplies: 


Hunter Plastics has developed a detailed Health and Safety Policy that is reviewed routinely to ensure it remains current and effective, and is made available to the whole workforce. Please click here for our Statement of Intent. 

How do Hunter Plastics hope to reduce Work Placed Accidents?
It is our intention to encourage a pro-active approach to manage workplace hazards and reduce the levels of risk, to enable a reduction in workplace accidents and occupational ill health.

This will be achieved through the provision of appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision, in conjunction with the use of regular safety audits, and the completion and review of detailed risk assessments to aid in the generation of clear, but effective, safe systems of work.

Why is health and safety training important?
Ensuring we provide comprehensive health and safety information and training allows our employees to develop a positive health and safety culture and in turn this helps our business avoid the distress that accidents and ill health cause.


‘Guidance Notes For Contractors’ must be read and signed, as an indication of agreement, prior to the commencement of any works on Hunter Plastics sites.

Management Systems

Hunter Plastics Limited has an established health and safety management system based on the need for effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of preventative and protective measures, and is constantly under review to ensure a continuation of the high standards it has set, in preventing accidents and occupational ill health, within its workplaces.

If further more detailed information is required in relation to Health and Safety related issues, please contact our Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) Manger

Requirements List

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